Wednesday Dec 29
Grammy, Edith, and Edith’s children came over to my house to watch Mary and the boys. God had provided help for me! I then left for my bone Density scan. I had somewhat of a hard time finding the office. The lines were long in the office. A lady gave me a clipboard of papers to fill out while I sat and waited. I filled the papers out and brought them back to her. The attendant called me back to the room to start the scan. It was a simple procedure and the lady there was very nice. I had to tell the lady that I needed my information faxed to a different doctor ASAP because the doctor would not schedule to see me until I faxed them the results of my bone density test. She told me that they would not have the results faxed until tomorrow. The Cancer clinic that is involved said they would be closed tomorrow. That would make it until Monday that I could schedule to get in because of the holiday season!
I left the first office and drove to the Cancer Center to try to talk to the staff. It was presently closed. From there I went to the Bent and Dent store and picked up some groceries. Next I went to a medical center for epilepsy. I asked the lady at this medical center if my sister Mary could get in with a doctor. She replied that they are not taking new patients until Feb., plus Mary has no insurance so she would not be covered.
From that office I went to a government office to check on my insurance status. Now, my next stop was Sarasota Memorial hospital. I needed to get all my records for my Emergency room visits. I needed all my CAT results and blood test results. After this, I went to the Social Security office to change my address and to ask some questions. I was very hungry and fatigued by this time. I stopped and got something to eat. Thankfully there was a Chipotle near by and I got a burrito. I stopped at two other stores as well, making it a total of ten stops! I was so tired but thankful that I was now finally “freed up”.
By evening I called Lori and told her I was in so much pain. On a scale of 1-10 my pain in my mid-back felt like a 10. My bones felt like they where on fire. She invited me to come out to her house and use her light, however, I was in too much pain to drive over 20 miles. She said that I could come and pick the light up. I called her back in about 10 minutes and told her Donna could take me out to her house to pick the light up. Lori re-thought about this and said she would bring the light to me in the morning. The RIFE light cost around $5,000 and it has a bulb that can easily break. She felt safer bringing it herself. Plus, she needed to show me how to use it properly.
Lori told me about a Amish lady from Michigan who has a Beam Ray Light (RIFE machine) like the one she owns. The Amish women is here in Florida presently for a few weeks and has a machine. She is staying only a few miles from my house.
I called Edith once again and she came over and watched the boys while Mary and I went to use the RIFE light at the Amish womans place in Pine Craft. I arrived at her house around 7pm. Mary, (the Amish woman) started the RIFE light. It took 90 minutes to do a treatment with it. All I had to do was sit in a recliner, while the light made radio frequencies and sound frequencies. I felt weird sensations in my legs and hips. By the time I was done with the treatment my pain went from a 10 to a 5 or 4. I was so excited. Maybe this light is working.
Thursday, Dec 30
At 9am I called my friend Lori to see when she was going to come with the RIFE light. Mary (the Amish women) had said I needed to use it faithfully twice a day. Lori told me she wanted to use it for her family because they were getting sick. Her husband did not want the light to be moved because it is very expensive and can break. I tried calling Mary (Amish lady) but she was out and about the whole day. So I did not get to use the light.
Thankfully I was feeling better. Mary, my sister, started taking the medicine from the doctor that they prescribed for her seizures. It makes her dizzy and she has to use a cane to keep balance. Glenn came home at 5:30pm. I had to leave as soon as he got home because I needed to get an adjustment at the Chiropractors.
Dec 31 New Years Eve
I was reading Lamentations 1:13 From above hath he sent fire into my bones. .. The verse popped out at me because my bones have been feeling like they are on fire. I also read Psalm 79 verses 11b through verse 13. Preserve thou those that are appointed to die. And render unto our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, where with they have reproached thee, O Lord. So we they people and sheep of they pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations. The part where it said “appointed to die”, I thought of my cancer “Preserve” I thought of the Lord saving me . And the verses went on to say, that We (Gods people), will give thanks forever, and praise him in generations to come.”
I called Mary (the Amish lady) in the morning. She said I could use her light in the afternoon. My sister in-law Susie was coming in from Michigan to help me with the boys. She quit her job in Michigan to come and help. The Lord knew I needed someone to help me with the boys. I was so relieved that she was coming. I had accidentally booked a ticket for her on Jan 30th 2011 not Dec 30th!! Oops! Susie called the airlines and had to pay an extra fee to get here on Dec 31st instead. Glenn went to the airport here in Sarasota and picked her up, he took the boys with him. Mary and I went to Mary’s to use the light. The RIFE light made my legs ache during the treatment depending on the frequency that was running. When the frequency changed it didn’t hurt as much. Sometimes it would make me feel cold too. When we got home Susie was at the house. I don’t think she even realized how much stress it took off me to just see her face. Glenn and I stayed up till midnight to celebrate the New Year.
Sat, January 1, 2011
Mary and I went to use the light in the morning. It is nice to go over to Mary’s place to use the light. I don’t know if it is “Killing” anything but it sure does seem to be helping with the pain. I want to get a RIFE light myself but I do not have the funds right now. It would cost about 4,500 dollars, but if it really works it would be worth every cent.
In the afternoon, Glenn and I went on a short bike ride together. I rode my Harley. I was wanting to ride with Glenn but he thought I should ride myself. We rode around Siesta Key. It felt so good to be on my bike again. I loved smelling the fresh ocean air. Glenn has been able to be home more then he ever has working for GOFF. I knew it was good for me to do. It had been along time since I had done anything fun.
When we got back I was a little sore. Mary and I left again to do the light treatment. The treatments last 90 minutes or more.
Sun, Jan 2, 2011
I’ve been feeling really good today. I went to church in the morning with Glenn, Susie, and the boys. My joints ached just a little. I was surprised at how good I have been doing compared to when I was overwhelmed and laying in bed in severe pain. Having Susie here is really helping because I am barely picking up the boys.
Monday Jan, 3 2011
Mary and I left the house at 7:40 am to do the light treatment. Susie stayed back and watched the boys. I am so grateful for Susie’s help! I could not haul the boys around with me all day. After the treatment I had to go to the Chiropractors office. From there to the Cancer Center to fill out forms. Mary and I went to Sarasota Memorial hospital to pick up her records. The lady charged Mary a dollar a page! She had to pay 20 bucks! We did not get home till after one o’clock. Long day for sure! The boys missed me so bad. They are used to having their mommy around 24/7. I took a nap because I was so exhausted. I have been getting very hungry. I feel so hungry when meal time comes around. At 4pm Mary and I went to Pine Craft to use the light again. The treatment felt the same. My legs and hips would ache during the treatment. A few hours after the treatment my mid-back ached and my hips hurt. I feel “fire” in my legs. I know the light is doing something. Mary (the Amish woman) had so many stories to tell of people getting helped from the light. Mary does not charge me to use the RIFE light. She does it out of the goodwill of her heart. I did pay her a little something because she has to replace bulbs on her light every so often.
Friday Jan, 7 2011
Early in the morning I went to see the Oncologist. I had not been to an Oncologist in 5 years. I had no desire to ever go to one again. Thankfully my sister Sarah flew down from Michigan to visit and came to the appointment with me. It was good not to be alone. Last night I was very nervous about going, I asked Susie and Mary to pray for me. They both prayed beautiful prayers. It helped calm me.
Sarah and I waited in the waiting room. A lady there was knitting so I chatted with her some. When they called us to the room the nurse took my blood pressure and I waited some more.
The oncologist came in and introduced himself as Dr. Alluri, he looked like he was from Inida. He had a big smile, and funny little laugh. He did not seem to be that informed about my case. He had the impression that I had my spine factored from an injury. Dr. Alluri said he did not think I had cancer. My fractures could be from hormones, chemo, other factors. But he did not know. He asked me why I thought I may have Multiple Myeloma. I told him that I have a lot of the same symptoms and because I am at high risk of getting other cancers. He would run some blood test. I told him I had already done some blood test, but he said that they where not the right ones. He recommended that I see a Rheumatologists (type of bone doctor). The Rheumatologist could give me more insight on what is causing my spine to fracture. I have 10% bone loss on my two vertebra and problems with my left hip according to the bone scan. I showed him the CAT scan report I had from being in the emergency room at the beginning 2010. He was concerned about the 1cm node in my chest. I thought the 1cm spot in my chest was just leftover scar tissue from my cancer. Dr. Alluri ordered a PET scan and a CAT scan combined for Monday.
I was so grateful he was not rude or mad that I did not follow up closely by doing all the scans the oncologist suggest to do every year. I was very pleased with him overall.
Dr. Alluri sent someone in to draw my blood. I had already been poked about 7 times a few days ago when they needed my blood and could not get a vein. I was bracing myself again to get poked several times. I told the phlebotomist that I had small veins and he better use a butterfly needle. At first he did not believe me, but after he looked at my arms for awhile trying to find a vein, he decided to go and get a butterfly needle. He was very confident about his skills of getting a vein. He attempted to get blood several times and did not succeed. He left the room and a lady came in to try to get a vein. I think the previous guy must have been pretty humbled. I just hate it when I get poked and they keep the needle inside of me digging around to try to find a vein. I would rather get poked again, then for them to dig around. Her first attempt miserably failed. Her second try she went in my hand and got it.
Sun Jan 9 2010
I talked to my mom about doing the PET and CAT scan. She was very against me doing these test. The PET SCAN uses “small amounts” of radioactive material to diagnose or treat a variety of diseases. You are encouraged to drink LOTS of water to eliminate the radioactive liquid and are warned to stay away from children and pregnant ladies for 12 hours. The risk is low, but it is a risk nonetheless – you could harm someone with the isotopes in your blood.
Last time I did a PET scan I was not impressed with the lead “lunchbox” and the needle that was inside of the lead box. The needle had lead wrapped around it too. Then they inject that into my vein and radioactive material goes throughout my body. If there is disease the radio active material will be drawn to the site of disease and “highlight” that part on the scan. This can give them an idea if you have cancer or not. Then, They do a CAT scan to give a clearer image of the cancer if there is a tumor or something. So in layman terms the PET highlights the area and the CAT shows a picture of the image. I had pretty much had my mind set all weekend that I was not going to do the PET.
I called my friend Valerie from Okalahoma. She started looking up some info on doing a PET and CAT scan. The websites where saying it was not that much radiation, however the PET scan could possibly damage your cells. These scans are radioactive and when I do them I run a “low risk” of this radiation causing some kind of cancer in my body in the future. That’s why they are only performed twice a year and then they taper off to once a year after two years. After talking awhile with Valerie on the phone I was leaning towards doing the scans so I could find out right away, and take the risk. The risk is low, but it is horrible to have to subject yourself to any kind of radioactive material or radiation when you already have had so much in your life. If there is a cancer in my body I need to know soon as possible to fight it. I have already done a MRI, and a Bone Density scan, and a CAT scan within the year.
Valerie had been with me during my previous cancer experience. I knew she was really concerned that I do the test. If I did have cancer time is of the essence.
I wanted to talk to Glenn but he fell asleep. I talked to Susie some about it and she prayed for me. I decided to go to bed and Glenn started to wake up. I told him I was confused about what to do. There is also a test called AMAS that I had done before that detects cancer. The medical arena does not recognize it like they should though. Glenn right away said “No”. He did not want me to do the scans. He would rather have me do the blood test. I asked him why. He said he would prefer I did not do the scans because there is risk of harming your body. The doctors say the risk is so low but it did not matter to him. He knew I went through so much testing before in my life. There were other blood test, we could wait for results. If there were indicators that I had cancer we could reconsider doing the scans.
I could hardly sleep all night, I just tossed and turned. I decided to just do what Glenn said. Glenn knows very little about medical stuff but he said “No” for a reason and I was not so sure myself. You know radiation can cause your cells to mutate and turn into cancer. I wish there was better test out there. I recently saw a front page News Paper article of a test they’ve came out with where they test your blood to see if you have cancer. That makes more sense then just doing “radiation scans” to check. I know scans are needed to see where the cancer is. I have used them before. This is a FREE world and my husband and I can make decisions on whether or not to follow the medical worlds advise.
Jan 10 2011
I got ready in the morning to do my RIFE Light treatment. I did not do the scans. I still did not feel confident but I did feel better about waiting to make the choice. The light treatment went really well. I talked to Mary (the Amish woman) for awhile. I so enjoy talking to her. She really is a gem. I think very highly of her. I am still having pain in my bones and my back. The light seems to really help with the pain. I feel different sensations from the light. I would like to have one someday when money comes my way. I know it helps. Susie being here helps as well, because I hardly have to pick up the boys. I still feel pain, but when I go do the treatments it helps minimize it.
Oh Anna, my heart broke when I read about what's been going on. I had no idea... Why this valley of suffering has come your way? I wish I could intervene in some way, but I am way across the country, and can do nothing but pray each day. And I do. I love you so much, I am standing in prayer for your health, for Glenn's job, for healing for your pain, for Mary's seizures. I am so grateful for your family and sister in law, who love you so much and are there for you.