Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wednesday Dec. 29

Wednesday Dec 29
Grammy, Edith, and Edith’s children came over to my house to watch Mary and the boys. God had provided help for me! I then left for my bone Density scan. I had somewhat of a hard time finding the office. The lines were long in the office. A lady gave me a clipboard of papers to fill out while I sat and waited. I filled the papers out and brought them back to her. The attendant called me back to the room to start the scan. It was a simple procedure and the lady there was very nice. I had to tell the lady at the desk that I need my information faxed to a different doctor ASAP because the doctor would not schedule to see me until I faxed them the results of my bone density test. She told me that they would not have the results faxed until tomorrow. The Cancer clinic that is involved said they would be closed tomorrow. That would make it until Monday that I could schedule to get in because the holidays season!
I left the first office and drove to the Cancer Center to try to talk to the staff. It was presently closed. From there I went to the Bent and Dent store and picked up some groceries. Next I went to a medical center for epilepsy. I asked the lady at this medical center if my sister Mary could get in with a doctor. She replied that they are not taking new patients until Feb., plus Mary has no insurance so she would not be covered.
From that office I went to a government office to check on my insurance status. Now, my next stop was Sarasota Memorial hospital. I needed to get all my records for my Emergency room visits. I needed all my CAT results and blood test results. After this, I went to the Social Security office to change my address and to ask some questions. I was very hungry and fatigued by this time. I stopped and got something to eat. Thankfully there was a Chipotle near by and I got a burrito. I stopped at 2 different stores, also. I made a total of ten stops! I was so tired, and yet thankful that I was now finally “freed up” to get somethings done.

By evening I called Lori and told her I was in so much pain. On a scale of 1-10 my pain in my mid-back felt like a 10. My bones felt like they where on fire. She invited me to come out to her house and use her light, however, I was in too much pain to drive over 20 miles. She said that I could come and pick the light up. I called her back in about 10 minutes and told her Donna could take me out to her house to pick the light up. Lori re-thought about this and said she would bring the light to me in the morning. The RIFE light cost around $5,000 and it has a bulb that can easily break. She felt safer bringing it herself. Plus, she needed to show me how to use it properly.
Lori told me about a Amish lady from Michigan who has a Beam Ray Light (RIFE machine) like the one she owns. The Amish women is here in Florida presently for a few weeks and has a machine. She is staying only a few miles from my house.
I called Edith once again and she came over and watched the boys while Mary and I went to use the RIFE light at the Amish women’s place in Pine Craft. I arrived at her house around 7pm. Mary, (the Amish woman) started the RIFE light. It took 90 minutes to do a treatment with it. All I had to do was sit in a recliner, while the light made radio frequencies and sound frequencies. I felt weird sensations in my legs and hips. By the time I was done with the treatment my pain went from a 10 to a 5 or 4. I was so excited. Maybe this light is working.


  1. I care and am s glad Edith is here to help and fill in.

  2. Hi Anna,

    I am Amy Martin's sister. I just want you to know that I am praying for you, and to also tell you that my mother-in-love uses a RIFE machine. She has been successfully treating her cancer with it for almost three years! It would be my first choice for cancer treatment!

    God bless you!
